We advertise all our upcoming events on our External link opens in new tab or windowFacebook Page, head on over and take a look.

If your child has attended the scheme previously we will sending you a booking form out at the start of each cycle of events.

If your child hasn't attended scheme previously and you are interested in joining us then please complete the Child Application Form and the Consent form and return them to us at camjointplay@btconnect.com so that we can arrange a home visit/zoom call and get to know you and your child better. 

We accept payments from the Early Help Funding scheme as well as cash, cheque and direct payment!

New Application Forms

Child consent form 2021.docx
child detail form 2021.docx


What's Coming Up?

 Please find below detail of our planned events.   

All booking instructions will be sent out in advance of the events to allow opportunity for us to source the correct ratio of staffing. 


Health Protection

In line with the Health Protection Agency, due to the nature of the children we support, a person cannot attend our events whilst ill.

We are unable to accept a person (Staff or Child) at our sessions with sickness/diarrhoea and/or a temperature until they have been clear of this for a minimum of 48 hours.

We are unable to accept a child or young person with any symptoms of Covid-19.  All children, young people and staff will have their temperature taken upon arrival at our scheme.  If they are showing any signs of Covid-19 please do not send them in as you will be asked to collect them.

We hope you can understand our position on this and the caution that we must exercise.